Xi Jinping meets Polish President Duda as the two countries push for closer ties
Chinese President Xi Jinping on Monday held talks with Polish President Andrzej Duda, who is on a state visit in China. The two countries signed a series of bilateral cooperation documents in trade and agriculture, and the two leaders also exchanged views on the Ukraine crisis.
Xi Jinping meets Polish President Duda as the two countries push for closer ties

Xi Jinping meets Polish President Duda as the two countries push for closer ties

Photo: AFP/Pedro Pardo
Eurasia 24/06/2024 20:07

Chinese President Xi Jinping on Monday held talks with Polish President Andrzej Duda, who is on a state visit in China. The two countries signed a series of bilateral cooperation documents in trade and agriculture, and the two leaders also exchanged views on the Ukraine crisis.

Noting Poland was one of the first countries to recognize the People's Republic of China, Xi said bilateral relations have maintained steady progress since the two countries forged diplomatic ties 75 years ago, Global Times reported.

Since China and Poland decided to upgrade their ties to a comprehensive strategic partnership eight years ago, exchanges and cooperation between the two countries in various fields have expanded and deepened in an all-round way, benefiting the two peoples, he added.

Xi said that "The key to the success of China-Poland relations is that both sides have been able to draw wisdom and strength from the historical and cultural traditions of their respective nations and adhere to independent development of bilateral friendly relations." 

China has decided to implement a 15-day unilateral visa-free policy for Polish citizens, Xi noted. 

Duda said at the meeting that Poland is willing to keep close multilateral communication and coordination with China, push for further development of the Polish-China comprehensive strategic partnership and make positive contributions to promoting world peace and stability. 

Poland will assume the rotating presidency of the EU in the first half of next year, and is willing to play a constructive role in promoting EU-China relations and continue to promote cooperation between Central and Eastern European countries (CEECs) and China, said the Polish president.
AFP/Pedro Pardo
Xi stressed at the meeting with Duda that "China's stance on the Ukraine crisis is to encourage peace talks and seek a political resolution. At present, efforts should be made to prevent the conflict from escalating, and to create conditions conducive to peace talks. This aligns with the interests of the international community, including Europe."

"China opposes those who use normal China-Russia trade relations as an excuse to deflect focus and smear China. China encourages and supports all efforts conducive to a peaceful resolution of the crisis and promotes the establishment of a balanced, effective, and sustainable European security framework. China is willing to continue to play a constructive role in the political resolution of the Ukraine crisis in its own way," Xi noted.

China and Poland share broad common interests on economic cooperation and trade, and the two countries are also seeking more people-to-people exchanges. Xi said at the meeting with Duda that the two sides should jointly build the Belt and Road with high quality, ensure and advance cooperation on major projects such as the China-Europe Railway Express, and strengthen cooperation in areas such as trade, agriculture, digital economy, green industry and clean energy. 

"China welcomes more high-quality Polish agricultural and food products to enter the Chinese market, supports the expansion of two-way investment and hopes that Poland will provide a fair, just and non-discriminatory business environment for Chinese enterprises," Xi remarked. 

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