Uzbekistan celebrates 33rd anniversary of independence
Celebrations for the 33rd anniversary of Uzbekistan’s independence took place in Yangi Uzbekistan Park, where Uzbek President Shavkat Mirziyoyev delivered a speech highlighting the unity of the people of the country.
Uzbekistan celebrates 33rd anniversary of independence

Uzbekistan celebrates 33rd anniversary of independence

Photo: Uzbekistan Presidency/Anadolu/AFP
Eurasia 02/09/2024 17:53

Celebrations for the 33rd anniversary of Uzbekistan’s independence took place in Yangi Uzbekistan Park, where Uzbek President Shavkat Mirziyoyev delivered a speech highlighting the unity of the people of the country.

"In these emotional moments, we all gain a deeper understanding of the enormous historical significance of our priceless asset—national independence. It is thanks to independence that our national statehood has been revived. Uzbekistan has entered a new historical era. Thanks to independence, we have taken a rightful place in the world community, and we are entitled to be proud of this," Uzbek President Shavkat Mirziyoyev pointed out at the ceremony on Saturday. 

He noted that in every endeavor and achievement, the great power of independence is vividly manifested, "opening up our homeland to the world, and the world to us."

According to the International Monetary Fund, the gross domestic product of Uzbekistan exceeded US$100 billion for the first time in 2023. The World Bank forecasts GDP growth of 5.3 percent for the country this year.

As Mirziyoyev stated, all reforms are deeply infused with the noble idea of "For the sake of the interests and dignity of the individual, for the happiness of the people!" Economic successes have allowed for an increase in pensions and benefits starting in September this year and for salary raises for employees of budgetary organizations, medical workers, and teachers starting in October.

According to the president, systematic work is yielding results in all areas. The youth contribute significantly to the development of Uzbekistan, as evidenced by the impressive successes of "our compatriots at the 33rd Summer Olympics in Paris." During these days, joyful news from the Paralympic Games continues to arrive.

The importance of peace was emphasized during these challenging and turbulent times.

"No matter how difficult life may be, we will continue democratic reforms consistently, mobilizing all our strengths and opportunities for the good of the people, for the sake of strengthening peace and stability in the country. However, preserving peace should not remain solely the responsibility of the military. This is a sacred duty for all of us, for every citizen of Uzbekistan. Our main value is peace and stability. The strength of our country lies in the unity of its people," Shavkat Mirziyoyev stressed.

The speech also highlighted efforts to develop the social sector and establish a quality education system.

Currently, Uzbekistan is among the world’s 40 largest countries by population. Mirziyoyev stressed that through reforms, labor, knowledge, and talent, "we must transform this figure into a powerful potential."

"Considering our limited access to the sea, we need to pay more attention to creative sectors and develop them consistently. There are many countries in the world that earn billions of dollars annually from exporting creative industrial products. Therefore, we will comprehensively encourage entrepreneur-inventors, especially young people who have organized the production of such products," said the president.

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