Turkic countries link the East and the West
Hungary has been an observer member of the Organization of Turkic States (OTS) since autumn 2018. We asked Ambassador János Hóvári, Head of the Hungarian Representative Office, established in 2019, about the current situation of the organisation and the benefits of Hungary's observer membership.
Turkic countries link the East and the West

Turkic countries link the East and the West

Photo: Róbert Hegedüs
Anita Bojtos 01/08/2023 06:00

Hungary has been an observer member of the Organization of Turkic States (OTS) since autumn 2018. We asked Ambassador János Hóvári, Head of the Hungarian Representative Office, established in 2019, about the current situation of the organisation and the benefits of Hungary's observer membership.

Has the geopolitical role of the OTS changed in the last year due to the Russian-Ukrainian conflict?

The Russian-Ukrainian war has increased the value of the OTS both in international relations and in the world economy. Ankara has been an active and useful mediator between Moscow and Kiev since the beginning of the war. The other OTS states are also pro-peace and are in contact with both sides. In addition, the war has reduced the flow of trade routes between Western Europe and Western China and has valorised the so-called Middle Corridor. The development of this route is important not only for the Turkic world, but also for China, as it is part of the Belt and Road Initiative - and for the European Union, as it is the only way Brussels can ensure practical and day-to-day connectivity between the EU member states, Central Asia and Azerbaijan.

Photo: Róbert Hegedüs

The restoration of security in the Black Sea is not only a matter for the coastal states, but also an issue of world trade importance.

What do you consider to be the most important areas of cooperation between OTS and Hungary?

High-level political consultations characterised by a deep mutual trust. These form the basis of the economic, development, innovation and educational cooperation that is the practical essence of the philosophy of OTS.

How equal is this cooperation?

The OTS head of state see Hungary as an important European link, a country distantly related to them, whose representatives at the negotiating table in Brussels are aware of the Turkic world's most pressing concerns and visions for their future. The Turkic countries are open to all parts of the world: China and Russia are their most important partners because of their geographical location. The United States is also paying attention to them.

Photo: Róbert Hegedüs

What are the main advantages for Hungarians?

Hungarian citizens can travel visa-free to all Turkic countries except Azerbaijan - there are few countries in Europe whose citizens can do the same. Hungarian identity cards are now accepted at the Turkish border. All Turkic capitals and Budapest will soon be connected by a permanent direct flight. Our trade with Turkic countries has a clear positive balance. And from the end of the year, we will also be heating our rooms with natural gas from Azerbaijan, which Turkey plays a key role in supplying: this is how foreign policy and cultural friendship become practical.

The author is a historian

Organization of Turkic Countries

The Cooperation Council of Turkic Speaking States - or Turkic Council for short - was established in 2009 in Nakhchivan, Azerbaijan. It was founded by Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Turkey, with Uzbekistan joining in 2019. Their name was changed to the Organisation of Turkic States (OTS) in 2021, reflecting the increasing institutionalisation of the organisation. Its General Secretariat is based in Istanbul, where diplomats from member states serve, and its Secretary General is currently Kubanychbek Omuraliev, a Kyrgyz diplomat.

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