Malaysia's drive to become a data hub
Malaysia wants to lure Microsoft Corp. and Alphabet Inc.’s Google in its drive to be a data hub and as it positions itself as a neutral supply chain base amid rising US-China tensions, Bloomberg reported.
Malaysia's drive to become a data hub
2T2C: Talent, Technology, Capital, Cognition

Malaysia's drive to become a data hub

Photo: iStock
16/06/2023 06:30

Malaysia wants to lure Microsoft Corp. and Alphabet Inc.’s Google in its drive to be a data hub and as it positions itself as a neutral supply chain base amid rising US-China tensions, Bloomberg reported.

“We are attracting as many as we can,” and “slowly establishing ourselves” as a data center hub, Trade Minister Zafrul Abdul Aziz told Bloomberg. Malaysia wants to lure Microsoft Corp. and Alphabet’s Inc. Google in its drive to be a data hub and as it positions itself as a neutral supply chain base amid rising US-China tensions. 

Malaysia’s investment success this year includes attracting companies such as Tesla Inc. and Amazon Web Services. Tesla plans to import its electric vehicles into the Southeast Asian nation and build a network of superchargers, while AWS will invest 25.5 billion ringgit ($6 billion) in cloud-computing infrastructure by 2037, the agency noted. Malaysia attracted 71.4 billion ringgit in approved investments in the first quarter of this year, up 67% from a year earlier, according to the Malaysian Investment Development Authority.

Simmering tensions between Washington and Beijing are increasingly pushing global businesses to seek locations outside of China. Malaysia is vying with other Southeast Asian countries such as Vietnam and Thailand for investments that are aimed at building new supply chains. "We are in the position of being neutral and being part of the critical supply chain,” Zafrul said. “Malaysia has been a net beneficiary."

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