In October 2024, a delegation, from the Learning Institute of the Mathias Corvinus College (MCC) in Budapest embarked on a second fact-finding mission to China. This mission, part of the "Learning from Asia" (LfA) project, aimed to build on the insights gained during a similar tour in May 2023 and the "Learning from Asia in Education" international conference held in Budapest in October 2023.
Last year marked the 75th anniversary of diplomatic relations between Hungary and China, and this year will bring the 50th anniversary of EU-China diplomatic ties. By the end of last year, Hungary’s presidency of the Council of the European Union closed in on boosting European competitiveness.
More than fifty speakers from fifteen countries shared their thoughts at the 2024 Budapest Eurasia Forum, organised by the Magyar Nemzeti Bank, the central bank of Hungary for the fifth time on 21-22 November. The motto of this year's event was that the key to success is 2T2C, or the combination of talent, technology, capital and cognition.