Istanbul Airport hosts nearly 1.5M planes since 2018
Nearly 210 million passengers travel through mega airport since in the past 4,5 years.
Istanbul Airport hosts nearly 1.5M planes since 2018
The Economics of Geography

Istanbul Airport hosts nearly 1.5M planes since 2018

Photo: iStock
Eurasia 26/06/2023 13:00

Officially opened on Oct. 29, 2018 on the 95th anniversary of the founding of the Republic of Türkiye, Istanbul Airport has served nearly 1.5 million planes so far. That means nearly 210 million passengers in the past 4.5 years, Timeturk reported.

Istanbul Airport hosts nearly 1.5 million planes since its opening in 2018, Timeturk reported. According to data compiled by Anadolu, some 209.8 million passengers have traveled through the mega airport since its opening.

Istanbul Airport welcomed 95,205 passengers in 2018 and 51.9 million in 2019. It took over air traffic from Ataturk Airport on April 6, 2019.

AFP/Anadolu Agency/Omar Zaghloul

Some 23.3 million traveled through Istanbul Airport and 185,642 planes were served in 2020 when the coronavirus pandemic hit the air transport globally.

The airport saw 37 million passengers and 280,108 planes in 2021, the news site added.

Last year, 425,890 planes landed and took off at Istanbul Airport, while the passenger traffic hit 64.3 million.


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