India seeks to secure its green growth strategy
Faced with the existential threat of climate change, the Indian government has come out with a list of 30 critical minerals that are central to its ongoing efforts to pivot away from a fossil fuel-intensive energy mix, The Straits Times reported this week.
India seeks to secure its green growth strategy
New Sustainable Economics

India seeks to secure its green growth strategy

Photo: iStock
Eurasia 15/07/2023 06:00

Faced with the existential threat of climate change, the Indian government has come out with a list of 30 critical minerals that are central to its ongoing efforts to pivot away from a fossil fuel-intensive energy mix, The Straits Times reported this week.

These include minerals such as lithium and graphite used in electric vehicle batteries, the demand for which is projected to skyrocket by as much as 4,000 per cent over the next several decades, the article added.

The planet’s ongoing transition to clean energy technology to deal with climate change has brought the importance of critical minerals to the forefront, The Straits Times wrote, adding that the list is aimed at minimising risks to the country’s green growth strategy that may arise from supply chain bottlenecks associated with these commodities.

Photo: iStock
Donec id dui quam. Aliquam sed odio et augue malesuada lacinia eu a ante. Vestibulum porta molestie lorem sit amet ultricies. Praesent vitae cursus sapien, et mattis sapien. Aliquam laoreet pulvinar vulputate. Cras quam diam, lacinia vitae felis at, sollicitudin condimentum purus. Aliquam malesuada erat nec bibendum condimentum. Nullam ultrices maximus est, sit amet convallis metus consectetur nec. Cras elit lorem, rutrum pharetra dignissim id, viverra vitae justo. Pellentesque laoreet nec massa tempus porttitor. Donec maximus accumsan orci sit amet placerat. Nunc turpis nisl, elementum vitae efficitur ac, pretium et eros. Integer finibus sapien quis tincidunt sagittis. Sed sapien ligula, sollicitudin sed vestibulum at, tempus eu dolor.

Nam ac mattis nibh. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Sed blandit varius sapien, id tempor enim sagittis id. Aenean ut mauris placerat, elementum augue ut, placerat elit. Suspendisse egestas, turpis nec elementum elementum, nisi massa tincidunt erat, in eleifend diam nibh eget leo. Proin maximus dolor ac odio ornare, vitae congue erat euismod. Nulla justo lectus, bibendum sit amet nulla eu, iaculis lacinia urna. Nullam feugiat arcu at interdum volutpat. Nulla ullamcorper, ipsum et varius porta, magna neque fermentum purus, fringilla rhoncus libero ipsum et nulla. Donec sodales ullamcorper egestas.

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