Here are the most breathtaking places in Kazakhstan
In a spectacular article, Condé Nast Traveller magazine has collected a selection of photos of the most breathtaking places in Kazakhstan.
Here are the most breathtaking places in Kazakhstan
Culture and Innovation

Here are the most breathtaking places in Kazakhstan

Almaty region (Photo:iStock)
Eurasia 28/02/2023 10:00

In a spectacular article, Condé Nast Traveller magazine has collected a selection of photos of the most breathtaking places in Kazakhstan.

“The Condé Nast Traveller magazine published an article titled ’The Most Breathtaking Places to Visit in Kazakhstan’ on its website, describing the beauty of Kazakh cities and spectacular landscapes,” The Astana Times reports.

Burabay National Park (Photo: iStock)

“As the planet’s ninth-largest country, it comes as no surprise that Kazakhstan is teeming with spectacular landscapes, from mountains to salt pans, crystalline lakes to abundant forests and ancient cities bursting with arts and culture,” Condé Nast Traveller writes in its article.

Mangystau Region (Photo: iStock)

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