They point the way towards not only long-term sustainable and viable systems, but also a completely new way of thinking. He invites the reader to regard the world economy as a complex living system where cycles, patterns and fractals work together and the rules of the Quantum World are the Power Laws. The author challenges all the extremes of liberal economic thinking in order to accelerate the transition to a sustainable global economy based on new sustainable economics. All his arguments can be summarized in the title of the book: we live on the edge of times, where the “50-year” and “80-year” cycles tend to shape the 2020s, our time.
György Matolcsy has been serving as the Governor of Magyar Nemzeti Bank, the central bank of Hungary, since 2013. He is also a member of the Fiscal Council of Hungary. He is a frequent lecturer at top foreign and Hungarian universities. He is honorary member of Fudan Development Institute (FDDI) of Fudan University and of the International Advisory Board of Shanghai Forum, and he is honorary doctor at the University of Debrecen and the University of Kaposvár. György Matolcsy is the author of several hundred articles, studies and books. His latest book, Economic Balance and Growth was published in 2021.Publisher: Pallas Athéné
Publication date: 2022
ISBN: 978-963-573-160-2
Pages: 184