Former UNGA president speaks out against the demonisation of China
The United States should stop depicting China as a military threat to the West as China always seeks peaceful development, Mogens Lykketoft, former president of the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) wrote in an op-ed for Danish newspaper Berlingske.
Former UNGA president speaks out against the demonisation of China

Former UNGA president speaks out against the demonisation of China

Photo: AFP/Ju Peng
Eurasia 02/04/2023 08:00

The United States should stop depicting China as a military threat to the West as China always seeks peaceful development, Mogens Lykketoft, former president of the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) wrote in an op-ed for Danish newspaper Berlingske.

China seeks prosperity and greatness through trade, investment and diplomacy instead of "a desire for warlike conquest," he stressed, according to a summary by China Daily. China has no interest in starting a military conflict, wrote Lykketoft, who was also former Danish Minister of Finance and Foreign Affairs.

The dangerous hostility against China peaked with the recent "hysteria about and the shooting down of the Chinese hot air balloon," wrote Lykketoft. He called on the United States to recognise a new balance between the two countries, noting that China's recent foray into international diplomacy resulted in a successful mediation between Iran and Saudi Arabia this month.

"Peace and economic stability for the rest of the 21st century depend on whether the United States and China can rein in their rivalry and together lead the way in international cooperation," he said, according to China Daily.

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