Formation of tourism clusters as a marketing tool for tourism development in Uzbekistan
All over the world, the tourism sector is one of the areas of the service sector that has the fastest development indicators. The development of regions is achieved on the basis of supporting the activities of tourist destinations in ensuring the stability of the tourism sector, as well as the assessment and application of methods for improving this system by the state.
Formation of tourism clusters as a marketing tool for tourism development in Uzbekistan
Culture and Innovation

Formation of tourism clusters as a marketing tool for tourism development in Uzbekistan

Photo: iStock
Suyunova Kamilla Bakhromovna - Tokhirov Abdulatif Alisherovich 16/12/2023 10:32

All over the world, the tourism sector is one of the areas of the service sector that has the fastest development indicators. The development of regions is achieved on the basis of supporting the activities of tourist destinations in ensuring the stability of the tourism sector, as well as the assessment and application of methods for improving this system by the state.

The revitalization of the economy is achieved by attracting investments in order to eliminate the eye-catching shortcomings in the development of individual regions of our country. Thanks to this, the population is employed, the environment of local industries and entrepreneurship is improved. Since tourism is one of the largest sectors of the economy with high income and rapid development, it is necessary to strengthen attention to it, organize travel, be able to show the existing tourist potential, provide assistance in establishing all the necessary infrastructure for tourism, regulate the activities of tourist organizations, study the scope and types of activities of enterprises managing tourist areas. According to the results of the study, the formation of regional tourism clusters can be considered as a means of marketing management of domestic development, but successful clustering of regional tourism is possible only when there are national and regional strategies, including national and regional strategies for the development of Tourism. Analysis of thematic literature. The founders of the cluster approach are a.Marshall and B.S.The Yastremskys introduced a cluster system in order to increase competitiveness in the regions. Harvard Business School professor Michael Porter, with a particular focus on the cluster system, put forward the idea that – “the competitiveness of a country should be considered not its individual firms, but clusters – the international competitiveness of associations of firms in different fields, and this will increase the ability of clusters to effectively use internal resources.”* A.Yu.“Clusters are an important factor in attracting buyers and increasing the competitiveness of the tourism industry, and the cooperation of firms and organizations organizing the recreation of tourists and their exit to travel around the country in the economic tourist distention forms the main basis of the tourist cluster,”*

For the formation of the cluster as a vital, active, effective structure, professor M.P. Voynareko believes that five conditions must be met :

1) initiative - the action of entrepreneurs, representatives who have the opportunity to prove the superiority of the cluster in the state and public organization, initiative of educational institutions, prudent, in the means of their own ability and knowledge;

2) innovations - the organization, management, financing of production and the use of new technologies capable of creating new opportunities in a competitive environment;

3) information - the creation of open and free websites and information resources that ensure the priority in providing and selling products to the market, attracting competent labor forces;

4) integration - Organization of cooperation of firms in the sphere and area using technologies in the support of public bodies science;

5) interest is the main condition for the activities of entrepreneurs or public structures, ensuring the actions of cluster participants on the path to profit.

            Analysis and results.

The algorithm for the formation of the proposed tourism cluster, which can be used by state and Municipal Employees, the scientific community, entrepreneurs engaged in the research and development of tourism in the process of developing tourist clusters. The main task is to establish the basis for the development of the most optimal areas for the development of the tourism cluster, which consists in diagnosing the level and potential of God in terms of tourism activities. Relying on the above points, the leading positions are occupied by large tour operator firms that export their services outside the country when creating tourist clusters. Currently, there are many enterprises that are designed to provide the lowest level of service catering, transport tourists, services related to them. All these enterprises are known by the general business environment. Note that within their framework, it is necessary to carry out the work of the administrative regulation of labor resources, technologies, the tax system by the state, which is necessary for the functioning of the tourist cluster. Today, the practice of organizing the cooperation of tourism enterprises in our country on a cluster basis is used. The cluster system, together with the economy of the country, creates opportunities to essentially change the standard of living of the population, living conditions. In the development of the country's economy, it will be advisable to use the methods of cluster organization used in world experience in improving the state of the tourism sector.

The main goal of the algorithm for the introduction of the tourist cluster in the country is to increase the level of economic stability in the region and determine the effectiveness of the activities of enterprises that are part of the cluster, introduce innovations and new directions of tourist business.

Therefore, it is associated with the presence and creation of social, economic measures in certain manifestations of the formation of a cluster complex and the establishment of its activities. An existing condition for the introduction of a tourist cluster in our country- in the result of the study of the conditions, an algorithm for introducing a tourist cluster was developed (Figure 1).

The main goal of the algorithm for the introduction of the tourist cluster in the country of the Republic of Uzbekistan, shown in Figure 1, is to increase the level of economic stability in the region and determine the effectiveness of the activities of enterprises that are part of the cluster, introduce innovations and new directions of tourist business.


Conclusions and suggestions. In conclusion, when creating a promising plan of the complex development strategy of the tourist cluster in our country, it is necessary to pay special attention to the characteristics, requirements of each tourist area and determine the priority areas of financing. It is advisable to activate the diversification of new proposals, identify the base points that determine the development of Tourism and attract investments in these areas, improve management and use new, previously unused reserves when creating tourist products. Government support of government bodies and private sectors is required to make effective management decisions.

Suyunova Kamilla Bakhromovna is Associate Professor department of "Marketing" at the Samarkand institute of economics and service

Tokhirov Abdulatif Alisherovich is 2nd year student at the Faculty “Economics and Services” at the Samarkand institute of economics and service


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