FM Szijjártó: Vietnam presents significant opportunities for the Hungarian economy
On Thursday, Vietnamese Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh and Vietnamese Foreign Minister Bui Thanh Son visited Hungary for discussions with Viktor Orbán and Péter Szijjártó.
FM Szijjártó: Vietnam presents significant opportunities for the Hungarian economy
The Economics of Geography

FM Szijjártó: Vietnam presents significant opportunities for the Hungarian economy

Photo: Facebook/Péter Szijjártó
Eurasia 18/01/2024 19:35

On Thursday, Vietnamese Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh and Vietnamese Foreign Minister Bui Thanh Son visited Hungary for discussions with Viktor Orbán and Péter Szijjártó. The Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade announced that representatives of the Hungarian and Vietnamese governments will sign fourteen agreements in the coming days.

"Vietnam, with its remarkable development, presents vast opportunities for the export- and investment-oriented Hungarian economy. This is evident in the achievement and maintenance of the record of 100 million dollars in domestic exports per year," stated Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Péter Szijjártó in Budapest on Thursday.

At a joint press conference with his Vietnamese counterpart, the Minister emphasized that the rapid economic growth of the Southeast Asian country has created opportunities to surpass the record of Hungarian exports to Vietnam and to maintain an annual figure of 100 million dollars, marking a significant achievement.

Facebook/Péter Szijjártó

He highlighted that, after extensive negotiations, necessary decisions have been made to substantially increase exports of poultry products, medical equipment, and medicines. Furthermore, he mentioned that exports are poised to grow even further, as negotiations are in the final stages to permit the export of pork to Vietnam.

Additionally, he underscored the signing of a highly ambitious free trade agreement between the European Union and Vietnam, which aims to abolish 99% of tariffs by 2030.

Facebook/Péter Szijjártó

Szijjártó announced that in the coming days, representatives of the Hungarian and Vietnamese governments will sign fourteen agreements. The most significant among these will focus on foreign policy cooperation, as both states advocate for peace and aim to assist war-torn countries in resolving their differences, he stated. "We believe in peaceful and civilized cooperation between East and West," he emphasized.

The Minister mentioned that the two countries will finalize a cooperation agreement encompassing fields such as culture and water management, among others. This agreement aims to enhance the export of domestic technologies. Additionally, there are plans to intensify collaborative efforts against international crime, which could significantly contribute to the security of both nations, he emphasized.

The Minister also revealed that ten agreements will be signed between Hungarian and Vietnamese universities as part of the cooperation agreement, which already includes more than 900 Vietnamese students studying in Hungarian higher education institutions.

Viktor Orbán has posted a message on social media platform X welcoming Vietnamese Prime Minister Pham Minh Chin. "Vietnam is a nation of fellow freedom fighters, a pioneer of connectivity in Asia, and our important economic partner. Welcome to Hungary, Prime Minister!" the PM wrote.

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