The newest edition of Eurasia is here!
The latest issue of Eurasia focuses on soft power, in particular on the rise of Asian countries. The magazine features a cover interview with world-famous Chinese composer Tan Dun.
The newest edition of Eurasia is here!

The newest edition of Eurasia is here!

Eurasia 15/08/2024 07:00

The latest issue of Eurasia focuses on soft power, in particular on the rise of Asian countries. The magazine features a cover interview with world-famous Chinese composer Tan Dun.

The staged version of Tan Dun's monumental six-part Buddha Passion was performed at Budapest's Müpa Budapest on 14 April as part of the Bartók Spring Festival. The world-famous Chinese composer - who has won numerous awards, including Grammy and Oscar prizes, for his film score for Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, which is also popular in Hungary - also spoke to Eurasia about finding harmony between East and West and between tradition and modernity.

Soft power shows the extent to which a country can influence others by persuasion and attraction. In Brand Finance's global ranking, Asian countries performed particularly well. China jumped to third place with a more positive perception of its economy and knowledge-based sectors, while the Gulf Arab oil powers and Turkey made the biggest strides in building a conscious country image - according to the experts of the Makronóm Institute.

South Korea can keep and promote cooperative relations with China while maintaining alliance relationship with the US, Kim Sung-han, professor at the Graduate School of International Studies, Korea University and former national security advisor of President Yoon Suk Yeol highlighted in an interview with Eurasia.

Click here to read the magazine!

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