Ethnic minorities in China rediscover their traditions
In the course of China's modernization drive, ethnic minorities are rediscovering their traditions and creating a better life by tapping into their unique development potential, Xinhua writes.
Ethnic minorities in China rediscover their traditions
Rhymes in History

Ethnic minorities in China rediscover their traditions

Photo: AFP\Xinhua\Ban Wei
Eurasia 05/03/2023 09:25

In the course of China's modernization drive, ethnic minorities are rediscovering their traditions and creating a better life by tapping into their unique development potential, Xinhua writes.

The successes of cultural tourism and agricultural industries in Yunnan Province suggest that traditions and the quest for modernity need not to be in conflict, according to the news agency. Modern development is making ancient ethnic cultures more contemporary and breathing new life into their inheritances, the article adds.

„The ethnic Lahu people in the village of Laodabao have long cherished singing and dancing purely as a form of entertainment, but now their artistic flair is resulting in a windfall of fortune for the once impoverished village,” according to Xinhua.

The article introduces Li Naluo who established a performing arts company in 2013, engaging more than 200 villagers of different ages with an aim of improving their income. Since its establishment, the company has performed on more than 960 occasions in the village, in front of a total of over 153,000 visitors, Xinhua reminds.

„The transformation seen in Laodabao is a shared experience in Pu'er, a border city inhabited by 26 different ethnic groups. In the course of China's modernization drive, ethnic minorities are rediscovering their traditions and are creating a better life by tapping into their unique development potential,” it adds.

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