China's most senior diplomat Wang Yi visits Europe
Wang Yi, director of the Office of the Foreign Affairs Commission of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee has traveled to Europe at the invitation of the governments of France, Italy, Hungary and Russia, Global Times reports.
China's most senior diplomat Wang Yi visits Europe

China's most senior diplomat Wang Yi visits Europe

Wang Yi with French Foreign and European Affairs Minister Catherine Colonna (Photo: AFP/Stephane de Sakutin)
Eurasia 18/02/2023 05:30

Wang Yi, director of the Office of the Foreign Affairs Commission of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee has traveled to Europe at the invitation of the governments of France, Italy, Hungary and Russia, Global Times reports.

The Chinese top diplomat met among others Italian Foreign Minister Antonio Tajani and President Sergio Mattarella in Rome. Wang Yi said that China ready to deepen comprehensive strategic cooperation with Italy.

Italian Foreign Minister Antonio Tajani and Wang Yi in Rome (Photo: AFP/Xinhua/Jin Mamengni)

Speaking to French Foreign Minister Catherine Colonna in Paris, Wang Yi said that China has put the pandemic under full control and is seeing rapid economic and social recovery, which will create greater opportunities for the world. China is ready to resume dialogue and exchanges with France in various fields in an all-round manner to restart the engine of China-France relations.

Wang Yi attends the 59th Munich Security Conference on Saturday and delivers a speech at China session to communicate the vision of common, comprehensive, cooperative and sustainable security advocated by President Xi Jinping and share China's stance on major global issues, according to the Chinese Foreign Ministry.

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