The aggressive capacity expansion has already forced solar panel prices down dramatically this year and is prompting concern among US producers that are banking on a government-backed domestic manufacturing boom.
The United States and India combined have announced more than 200GW of module capacity plans since 2022, Wood Mackenzie said.
"Despite strong government initiatives for developing local manufacturing in overseas markets, China will still dominate the global solar supply chain and continue to widen the technology and cost gap with competitors," Huaiyan Sun, the author of the report, said in a statement.
The grant will help the United Nations Development Programme implement plastic waste management measures in Bangladesh, Bhutan, Cambodia, India, Maldives, Nepal, Philippines, Sri Lanka, and Vietnam.
Kazakhstan, with its vast agricultural land of 220 million hectares, is rapidly developing its agro-industrial complex.
In the West Kazakhstan Region, 60 kilometers northeast of the town of Uralsk, Hungarian MOL Group, together with its partners, celebrated in December 2023: first gas was reached in the Rozhkovskoye gas and condensate field. Since the first well, the project has continued apace.