China, Russia deepen comprehensive strategic partnership
Chinese President Xi Jinping held talks with Russian President Vladimir Putin, who is on a state visit to China, in Beijing on Thursday, Xinhue reports.
China, Russia deepen comprehensive strategic partnership

China, Russia deepen comprehensive strategic partnership

Photo: AFP/Sergei Bobylyov
Eurasia/Xinhua 16/05/2024 17:54

Chinese President Xi Jinping held talks with Russian President Vladimir Putin, who is on a state visit to China, in Beijing on Thursday, Xinhue reports.

The two sides had a comprehensive review of the successful experience in developing the China-Russia relationship, and had an in-depth exchange of views on the relationship as well as major international and regional issues of mutual interest, charting the course forward for their cooperation across the board, Xinhua reports.

Xi stressed that this year marks the 75th anniversary of diplomatic relations between China and Russia. In the past three quarters of a century, the China-Russia relationship has grown stronger amidst wind and rain, and stood the test of changing international landscape. The relationship has become a fine example for major countries and neighboring countries to treat each other with respect and candor, and pursue amity and mutual benefit.

The steady development of China-Russia relations is not only in the fundamental interests of the two countries and the two peoples, but also conducive to peace, stability and prosperity of the region and the world at large, Xi said.

The most important conclusion drawn from the 75-year history of China-Russia relations is that two neighboring major countries must always promote the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence, respect each other on an equal footing, trust each other, accommodate each other's concerns, and truly provide mutual assistance for the development and revitalization of both sides, Xi noted, adding that this is not only the correct way for China and Russia to get along, but also the direction that major-country relations should strive for in the 21st century.

Putin expressed his pleasure to visit China again after he was sworn in as Russian president for a new term. Noting that President Xi also paid a state visit to Russia in March last year shortly after his re-election as Chinese president, Putin said that it is a friendly tradition between the two countries, which demonstrates that both sides attach high importance to enhancing the Russia-China comprehensive strategic partnership of coordination for the new era.

The development of Russia-China ties is not out of expediency or targeted at any third party, Putin said, adding that it benefits international strategic stability.

Xi said that with concerted efforts from both sides, China-Russia relations have been moving forward steadily, with enhanced comprehensive strategic coordination and further cooperation on economy and trade, investment, energy, and people-to-people exchanges, at the subnational level and in other fields. This has made positive contributions to maintaining global strategic stability and promoting greater democracy in international relations.

The two sides should take the 75th anniversary of the diplomatic ties as a new starting point, further synergize development strategies, and continue to enrich the bilateral cooperation to bring greater benefits to the two countries and peoples, he said.

The two presidents have set 2024 and 2025 as China-Russia Years of Culture, proposed a series of cultural activities that are down to earth and close to people's hearts, and encouraged closer interactions between various sectors and at subnational levels to enhance mutual understanding and affinity between the two peoples.

Putin said that the intergovernmental cooperation mechanisms between Russia and China are functioning well, and bilateral cooperation in such areas as economy, trade, agriculture, industry, energy, and connectivity has grown steadily. He noted that the signing of a series of cooperation documents demonstrates that the two sides are committed to further deepening win-win cooperation.

Russia is willing to work with China to implement the pre-2030 development plan on economic cooperation between the two sides, well organize the Russia-China Years of Culture activities, and strengthen the alignment between the Eurasian Economic Union and the Belt and Road Initiative, Putin said, adding that next year, Russia and China will hold events to celebrate the 80th anniversary of the victory of the World Anti-Fascist War.

China and Russia are committed to strategic coordination as an underpinning of relations, and steer global governance in the right direction, Xi said when jointly meeting with the press with Putin.

The two countries are firmly committed to safeguarding the UN-centered international system and the international order underpinned by international law. They stay in close coordination and collaboration in multilateral platforms such as the UN, APEC and G20, and advance multipolarity and economic globalization in the spirit of true multilateralism, he said.

With Russia chairing BRICS this year and China taking over the chairmanship of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) later this year, the two sides will support each other's chairmanship, build a high-quality partnership that is more comprehensive, close, practical and inclusive, and build the unity and strength of the Global South, he added.

China and Russia are committed to fairness and justice as the purpose of relations, and dedicated to the political settlement of hotspots, Xi said.

Putin said that Russia and China have maintained close coordination on the international stage and are jointly committed to promoting the establishment of a more democratic multipolar world order. Both sides are willing to continue to strengthen cooperation within the frameworks including BRICS and SCO as well as communication on major international and regional issues, so as to promote regional and world peace and development.

Li Yongquan, head of the China Society for Russian, Eastern European and Central Asian Studies, said that faced with numerous challenges in global governance, a healthy development of China-Russia relations and their cooperation within such mechanisms as BRICS and SCO are pivotal for maintaining regional and international stability, and improving global governance.

After the talks, Xi and Putin signed and issued the Joint Statement of the People's Republic of China and the Russian Federation on Deepening the Comprehensive Strategic Partnership of Coordination for the New Era in the Context of the 75th Anniversary of China-Russia Diplomatic Relations, and witnessed the signing of a number of bilateral cooperation documents.

Vladimir Putin has characterized relations between Moscow and Beijing quoting a 1940s song. Speaking ahead of a concert dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Russia and China and the start of the Cross-Cultural Years, he expressed confidence in the brotherly interaction between the two countries, according to TASS.

"The event is dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations. There is a famous song from that time, it was created 75 years ago, but is often sung today: there is a quite famous line in it: 'Russian and Chinese are brothers forever'," Putin said.

"I am sure that we will continue to strengthen the fraternal spirit of the harmonious Russian-Chinese partnership," the Russian president emphasized.

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