Azerbaijan launches bid to join BRICS after Putin visit
Azerbaijan formally submitted its application to join the BRICS group, according to an announcement made by the head of the press service at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on Tuesday.
Azerbaijan launches bid to join BRICS after Putin visit

Azerbaijan launches bid to join BRICS after Putin visit

Photo: Azerbaijani Presidency/Anadolu/AFP
Eurasia 21/08/2024 17:53

Azerbaijan formally submitted its application to join the BRICS group, according to an announcement made by the head of the press service at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on Tuesday.

The BRICS group, which was originally established by Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa, has garnered interest from 23 additional countries eager to join this influential economic alliance. This growing interest underscores the expanding global impact and attractiveness of BRICS as a key player in the international economic landscape. The expansion of BRICS reflects its increasing role in shaping global economic policies and its appeal as a major economic bloc, MENA reported.

The Azerbaijan announcement comes after Russian President Vladimir Putin landed in the capital, Baku, on Sunday for bilateral talks with Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev. On Monday Aliyev hailed the fact that “our economic and trade relations are progressing successfully” despite global challenges.

The bid follows Azerbaijan's expression of interest at the Shanghai Cooperation Organization summit in Astana in early July this year. During the summit, a Joint Declaration on Strategic Partnership was signed between Azerbaijan and China, with one of its provisions outlining Azerbaijan's intention to join the BRICS. China has endorsed Azerbaijan's application and pledged to support its entry into the group.
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