5G technology comes to Uzbekistan
Uzbektelecom launches a project to increase Internet speed and introduce 5G technologies in Uzbekistan this month, according to UZ Daily.
5G technology comes to Uzbekistan
2T2C: Talent, Technology, Capital, Cognition

5G technology comes to Uzbekistan

Tashkent (Photo: iStock)
Eurasia 22/03/2023 08:00

Uzbektelecom launches a project to increase Internet speed and introduce 5G technologies in Uzbekistan this month, according to UZ Daily.

The project plans to modernise 3,000 base stations and install 2,000 new base stations throughout Uzbekistan, the news site explained, adding that this will improve the quality of mobile communication and Internet speed in the LTE standard.

An important stage of the project will be the upgrade of base stations to the new 5G standards. As a result, users will be able to use high-speed Internet based on 5G technology, UZ Daily added.
Photo: iStock
As part of the first stage of the project, Uzbektelecom plans to fully cover the city of Tashkent with a 5G network and partially the centers of the regions, according to the article. After completion of the work, the next stages of the implementation of 5G technology throughout Uzbekistan will be analysed.

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